Finding Your Voice
Finding Your Voice

Elevate your professional journey with our exclusive workshop, ‘Finding Your Voice in the Workplace.’ Designed for employees seeking to enhance their communication prowess, this empowering session focuses on cultivating the courage and skills necessary to navigate the corporate landscape with confidence.

Learn the art of asking insightful questions, discover techniques to ensure your voice is heard and noticed, and acquire the strategies to advance your career. Through interactive activities and practical insights, this workshop is your gateway to unlocking the keys to effective communication, paving the way for professional success and personal growth. Seize the opportunity to stand out, be recognized, and propel yourself forward in your career journey.

This program is designed for leaders looking for more engagement from their teams. It leaves participants feeling empowered and motivated to contribute.

Some of the takeaways you can expect from this course are:

– Identify and overcome the barriers that prevent you from speaking up and expressing yourself in the workplace

– Develop a personal communication style that suits your personality, goals, and values

– Learn how to use active listening, questioning, and framing techniques to communicate effectively with different audiences and situations

– Build rapport and trust with your colleagues, managers, and clients by using positive and assertive language

– Recognize and leverage your strengths and achievements to create a positive personal brand and reputation

– Apply feedback and coaching skills to improve your own and others’ performance and potential

Negotiation Training
Negotiation Training

Learn how to negotiate effectively and achieve win-win outcomes

Do you want to improve your negotiation skills and get better results in your personal and professional life? Whether you are negotiating a salary, a contract, a deal, or a relationship, you need to know how to persuade and influence others, set clear goals, and handle difficult situations.

In this workshop, you will learn from Lisa Sweeney, a seasoned negotiator with over 25 years of corporate buying and negotiation experience in Australia and around the world. She will share with you the secrets of successful negotiation, including:

  • The power of persuasion and influencing
  • How to prepare and plan for a negotiation
  • Tips and tools to keep the negotiation moving and avoid deadlock
  • How to create win-win outcomes that benefit both parties

This workshop is interactive and practical, with exercises and role-plays to help you apply the skills and techniques you learn. You will also receive feedback and coaching from Lisa and your peers, and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your experiences.

Don’t miss this chance to boost your confidence and competence in negotiation and achieve the outcomes you want.

Unconscious Bias Training
Unconscious Bias Training

Do you want to learn how to recognise and reduce the impact of unconscious bias in your work and life? Join us for this engaging and informative workshop delivered by the experts from the Gender Equity Awards, Australia’s leading recognition program for gender equality initiatives. You will discover the types and sources of unconscious bias, how they affect your decision making and behaviour, and how to challenge and counteract them with practical strategies and tools.

For leaders who want to improve engagement by reducing those unconscious barriers to inclusion

In this workshop, you will:

– Take a self-assessment test to measure your own unconscious bias and learn how to interpret the results

– Participate in interactive exercises and scenarios to understand how unconscious bias can influence your communication, collaboration, and leadership styles

– Learn about the common forms of unconscious bias, such as gender, race, age, and affinity bias, and how they can affect your professional and personal outcomes

– Gain practical skills and techniques to mitigate and manage unconscious bias in yourself and others, such as awareness, perspective taking, feedback, and accountability

– Develop an action plan to apply your learning and create more inclusive and equitable environments in your workplace and community

Managing Up
Managing Up

Do you feel unappreciated, frustrated, or demotivated in your work? Do you find yourself constantly annoyed with your manager?

No matter who you are at some stage in your career you will come across a manager that you need to “manage”.  Communication is a two-way street, and you can proactively manage your situation to your advantage.

Managing up has a number of benefits; you feel in control, it boosts your confidence, improves your chances of being noticed and often has the desired outcome of reframing your relationship with your boss.

In this short course, we will cover the 7 Best Practices to managing up.

Some of the takeaways from this course are:

– How to identify your manager’s communication style and preferences and adapt your own accordingly

– How to establish trust and rapport with your manager and align your goals and expectations

– How to deliver constructive feedback and handle difficult conversations with your manager

– How to showcase your value and achievements and advocate for your career development

– How to deal with different types of managers, such as micromanagers, absentee managers, or demanding managers

– How to build a network of allies and supporters within your organization

– How to maintain your well-being and resilience in challenging situations

Negotiation Training
Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

From a lack of self-belief to a lack of relationships with C-suite management, many businesswomen with promising careers are making consistent mistakes. In this course, you will learn 5 key things you can do differently. Remember, “it’s not what you but who you know”. With that in mind, you will start creating your roadmap, so you can connect your way to success.

  1. Stop assuming everyone else will recognise you for the great work you do.
  2. If you won’t promote yourself who will
  3. Expect that all the connections you need are in your current organisation.
  4. Don’t form meaningful relationships with other senior managers.
  5. Don’t need mentors you know where you are going.


  1. Mindset shift
  2. Plan to get connected
  3. Plan to find supporters
  4. Tools on how to build relationships
  5. Skills gap assessment
Unconscious Bias Training
Gender in the Workplace

Join us for an impactful and tailored workshop on “Gender in the Workplace,” designed specifically for your organization and perfect for International Women’s Day events. This session will spotlight the outstanding work your organization is doing in advancing gender equity, featuring an expert panel from within your ranks. The panellists will share insights on your organization’s successes and we will explore what’s next, drawing on our knowledge of the best practices recognized by the Gender Equity Awards for Australia.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Tailored Strategies: Gain actionable insights and customized strategies to advance gender equity within your workplace.
  2. Internal Best Practices: Learn from your organization’s award-winning initiatives that are leading the way in gender equity.
  3. Expert Panel Insights: Engage with your in-house leaders who are driving change and setting industry benchmarks.
  4. Empowerment & Inclusion: Discover how to foster a culture that empowers all employees and promotes inclusivity.
  5. Event Optimization: Perfect your International Women’s Day events by aligning them with your organization’s proven practices and visionary plans.

This workshop is an opportunity to celebrate your achievements and pave the way for future advancements in gender equity.