About Us

At Business in Mentoring, we are enabling organisations to achieve diversity & inclusion goals, and to improve alignment & engagement through mentoring.

We understand that the power of mentoring is the most effective way to create change. Moving beyond coaching we want to ensure participants are exposed to experience, ideas and connections that will expand their opportunities.

People often don’t know what they don’t know. They assume career paths and development plans. Mentoring provides the chance to leverage the knowledge, experience, skills and connections of each mentor. It melds in the company goals and culture changes to encourage participants to be more effective in their roles.

And it allows a personalised discussion for each participant to work on the hopes, assumptions and roadblocks.

Resulting in effective change.

Our Vision is to create an equal future for all.

“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.”

– Simon Sinek

Retention & Recruiting Advantage

It is at these times of rapid change that organizations can lose key talent. By providing mentoring and development to individuals organisations stand to gain in loyalty & retention not to mention the productivity benefits that come with professional success and personal wellbeing. The “new workforce” is looking to be employed by organisations that value people, providing a competitive advantage as an employer of choice.
  • More than 4 in 10 workers, who don’t have a mentor say they’ve considered quitting their job in the past three months (Source)
  • 71% of people with a mentor say their company provides them with good opportunities to advance in their career, compared with 47% of those without a mentor (Source)
  • 94% of employees said they would stay at a company longer if they were offered opportunities to learn and grow (Source)
  • Of those with a mentor, 97% say they are valuable (Source)
  • Yet only 37% of professionals have a mentor (Source)
  • 89% of those who have been mentored will also go on to mentor others (Source)

Diversity & Inclusion


“The case for establishing a truly diverse workforce, at all organizational levels, grows more compelling each year….The financial impact—as proven by multiple studies—makes this a no-brainer.” (Source)

“The business case is clear: When women are at the table, the discussion is richer, the decision-making process is better, and the organization is stronger.” (Source)

Diverse Talent Development is a natural outcome of a mentoring program. Mentoring provides the key skills and understanding needed to support diverse talent promotion into higher levels of leadership. It serves as catalyst to accelerate skills, competencies and understanding across the organisation.

The Impact on Diversity & Inclusion

  • Mentoring programs boosted minority representation at the management level from 9% to 24% (Source)
  • Increased Promotion and retention rates for minorities and women from 15% to 38% as compared to non-mentored employees (Source)
  • 38% of female employees (in companies that have at least 30% women on their board) who have exposure to senior mentors believe they will make it to the board themselves, compared with 21% of women from companies under 30% target. (Source)
“Diverse and inclusive cultures are providing companies with a competitive edge over their peers.” This quote summarizes conclusions from The Wall Street Journal’s first corporate ranking that examined diversity and inclusion among S&P 500 companies. (Source)

What our mentors think…

Mentoring is the process of encouraging and brainstorming to help an individual navigate challenges or aspirations leveraging the mentor’s experience. Sharing and trust make it a fulfilling experience for both.
Shilpa Bale

Mentoring is a trusted relationship of sharing and support, with a goal to support the mentee in striving towards and achieving their goals and developing their career. A successful mentoring relationship enriches both the mentee and the mentor.
Pia Broadley

Coaching is a process of authentic questioning that allows the coachee to explore options and consequences before deciding on a course of action suitable to the desired outcome. Mentoring is a meeting of minds, a 2 way communication where both parties share knowledge, skills and best practice before deciding on a course of action suitable to a desired outcome.
Sian Stephens