Your chance to challenge yourself  and strengthen your conscious thoughts.

Join us every Wednesday for your new unconscious bias Quiz Question.

Answer carefully as you can do this only once and please feel free to share this with your colleagues and friends.

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious Bias Quiz Idea Acknowledgement

Discover Yourself with Our Weekly Unconscious Bias Quiz!

Are You Ready to Challenge Your Perspectives?

Join us every week for an enlightening journey into the world of unconscious bias. Our interactive quiz is more than just a set of questions - it's a path to self-discovery and growth!


🧠 Expand Your Mind: Uncover hidden biases that you might not even know you have.

💡 Learn and Grow: Each quiz is a chance to learn something new about yourself and the world around you.

🏆 Weekly Challenges: Every quiz offers fresh and thought-provoking scenarios.

It's Free, Fun, and Incredibly Eye-Opening!

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 1

During a team meeting, your colleagues Alex (female) and Taylor (male) both present the same idea independently. You find yourself instinctively agreeing more with one of them. Who do you credit the idea to first?

During a recent team meeting, you observed a colleague named Aisha, who is from a minority cultural background, present a well-researched proposal for a new project initiative. Despite the quality of her work, Aisha's ideas were met with scepticism and resistance from some of her coworkers, who seemed dismissive of her suggestions.

As a manager, you understand the importance of addressing bias and promoting inclusivity in the workplace. Here are some scenarios for what you should do:

Your score is

This Quiz will start on 09:00:00 July 31st, 2024

The quiz will be available soon!