Create A Winning Edge To  Attract & Retain Students
Is the current Career advice adequate?
- 1 in 5 will leave the university without a degree and in debt. Of those 40% would not have enrolled if they had been better informed (Source)
- The recent Australian review of senior secondary pathways into work, further education and training states that “career advice nationally is inadequate” (Education Council, 2020, p. 18).
- Students also suggest that they are not getting their needs met, wishing that they had received more information about all of the options available to them (Skillsroad, 2018).
- One Victorian study found that 10% of schools spent 45 min or less on career education per student per year and 10% spent 12 h or more per student per year (Parliament of Victoria, 2018).
- In some schools, the central resource in the traditional provision of career education, the career adviser, is often a part-time staff member with additional classroom teaching responsibilities (Source).
- The Importance of Career Discussion: The study finds that, after taking into account family and social background, and education qualifications, taking part in career talks is associated with significantly better earnings at age 26 (Source)
- Ensuring that all citizens have access to quality career advice is also important for equity (Mann et al., 2020).

Creating the Aspiration
Gender stereotypes persist often because teenagers are not seeing what they could be.
93.4% of children and young people aged 7 to 18 had at least one role model. (Source)

Technology and Cyber will be a critical part of all future workplaces. Jobs in this space are growing 3x faster than in any other sector (ABS)
The Clean Energy industry will grow.
Australia needs 500,000 digitally skilled workers over the next 10Â years
Broaden your student’s horizons, inspire & enlighten them with exposure to real women working in the industry today.
Let them be what they can see and let them understand for each specialist,
“What’s a day in the life of …. look like?” and “What do these people love about their jobs?”.
The future of jobs are not always what you think. Did you know that the biggest demand in Cybersecurity is for empathetic Customer relationship people who can deal with clients going through a data breach.
Explore The Male Dominated Industries
Finance | Law | Mining |  Construction | Energy |  Engineering | Science
Role Model Sessions
One-hour virtual session with two 30-minute discussion with Mentors/ Industry specialists of your choice. These normally run with 20 min of the specialist discussing:-
- what they love about their job,
- what a typical day looks like and
- Job opportunities of the future
Then there is 10 minutes Q & A for the students.
Careers Day Inspiration
Ideally for Careers Day. Create a wow factor to kick off the event with a 45-minute panel and 15-minute Q & A.
Let us orchestrate a panel of three amazing role models, designed to create an inspiring conversation. During the interview, we will showcase a range of careers and industries, what the day in their life looks like and talk about jobs of the future.